Write For Us

We at DigitalJudas, welcome every author who wants to publish guest posts or regularly contribute articles. Your writings will reach an audience of freelancers, digital marketers, students and more by becoming our writers. We are searching for skilled writers to create technology and internet-related unique articles.

We are rather careful about what appears on our site, but we read every post request that we receive from our guests.

Please do not send us a submission without reading the guidelines, as we do not accept requests which are not in line with our guidelines.

Important: We receive many submissions and our approval is tiresome. Please be patient with us because 5-10 working days are needed to reply. You can utilise your content elsewhere if you don’t receive a reply until 15 business days.

If you are looking for faster approval and publishing, we have an option for sponsored posts, which has a faster review cycle of 2-3 business days. However, it still must fulfil our guidelines on guest posts and our editors must give it their approval.

Submission Guidelines

  • Your articles should be original and free of violations of copyright. You shouldn’t replicate the content on your own blog or elsewhere.
  • You may write on any of the subjects: technological news, tech how-tos, making money online, SEO, WordPress, blogging advice, affiliate marketing, digital marketing tools, small businesses, small business tools and platforms, etc

We cover everything, including but not limited to digital marketing, blogging, small business, digital platforms and tools, :

  • Digital marketing
  • Blogging
  • SEO
  • Search Engine marketing
  • Social media
  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • small business
  • Startups
  • Software as a Service(SaaS)
  • Digital product/SaaS reviews
  • Email marketing
  • Influencer marketing
  • Make money online
  • Affiliate marketing

and more.

We want you to know our standards before writing or submitting a post to DigitalJudas. We suggest that you carefully read and adhere to these guidelines:

  • Basics First – no grammatical or lexical mistakes should occur in your content.
  • You have an informative, dynamic and interesting story to tell. Each article on our blog strives to provide our readers with important material to enhance their digital marketing abilities or to refresh them.
  • Please refrain from emailing us random text snippets lying on a word document. The subheadings, bullets, quotations and pictures in your post should be well-structured.
  • We are people who provide people information, so it’s a great idea to sound like one in your narrative.
  • Speak to the readers in the first person.
  • You should have 800 – 1200 words in your articles.
  • Do not use any other unrelated pictures or copyright protected photos.
    Please indicate the source of data, pictures and quotations referenced.
    The narrative should not be published anywhere, but should be unique.
    Please include the article in your author bio and gravatar.
    In your tale, do not endorse any product or service.
  • In your content, we are entitled to remove commercial/promotional links. However, you can link related content. You may connect your service pages in your author bio.
    Before submitting your article, send your opinions about the subject.
  • You probably won’t hear from us when the article doesn’t fit the parameters.
  • You are responsible for promoting your posts and responding quickly to comments, so that readers can notice you on this site.

Follow the form below to submit your articles.

Welcome To PollBaba !

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